The last challenge you’re likely to face when aging out of foster care is a lack of life skills and personal growth. Foster care – even good foster care – can have profound effects on a child. Every move you had to endure, even if the previous home was abusive or neglectful, takes a toll on your feeling of security. In fact, it is estimated that 90% of children in foster care have been exposed to trauma. Traumas can be compounded by the removal of children from their families, loved ones, and communities and by adverse experiences within foster care. When you age out of foster care with limited connections or without the support of positive, caring adults, you may have an increased risk of facing unstable housing, homelessness, lack of adequate education, lack of employment, lack of access to health care, justice system involvement, substance abuse, alcohol dependence, lack of social connections, and a host of other physical health, behavioral health, and general well-being problems.